Aaron | Stroke Survivor that Raise Stroke Awareness with Drone

Hi guys I am Jackson, toady I wanna to do some things different, let me introduce to you my friend, Aaron. He is a stroke survivor. I met him in Dji Forum. Aaron was born at 9/1/36 at North of San Francisco in Bay area town called Santa Rosa. Aaron was married with Rebecca Avila for more than 25 years and have a 23 years old son called Ryan Avila. Aaron also have a sister Called Andrea Avila which is two year older than him. Aaron is a friendly and cheerful guy, but different than the others he is a stroke survivor with motive to raise stroke awareness with drone. The aim of this post is to help him promote to his blog and YouTube channel. Also by letting more people know his story and join him in his show, video, campaign and more.

      Well let's start with Aaron's stroke survival stories. He had stroke at age of 47. He owned a water storage tank and rainwater harvesting company for 12 years before he had stroke. In September 17th 2010, he had a brain Aneurysm explode in his head. After surviving certain death from it, two weeks later he suffered a massive subarachnoid stroke. He have deficits on walking, Dysarthria, balance issue and more. This change his life forever. There is only two things that stop him dead in his tracks, the stroke and a near death experience. This event forced him to fully reevaluate all the things in his life. Walking, talking, feeling one with body, family, friends. After surviving from the stroke, he truly believe that he have been given a second chance in life to live again. However, right now that most devastating life event has now became his life's teacher. Stroke has led him down the path to meet what he believe are the most amazing people on earth. Stroke and brain injury survivor. 

Aaron's live stream

      Aaron host a live stream on the first Saturday of every month at 2 pm PTS on his YouTube channel. Other than that, Aaron also own and runs two blogs. One is about his drone show and the next one is his personal blog. Make sure to check it out. 
For his stroke show        
For his personal blog      
For his YouTube channel

      Aaron will invite some brain injury and stroke survivor to join his show and video. He will teach them to fly drone, trying to let's them feel happy and supported with drone, not be forgotten by the people and time. Well for his live stream, he will be sharing his story and experience with stroke and brain injury. There is also a Q&A section where he will be answering some question live from the comment. So you guys can ask question and get to know his story. 

Special thanks to Aaron for making this post possible 

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