DJI Mavic Air 2 will be release on April 27

DJI Up Your Game | DJI Mavic Air 2

On April 14, DJI tweeted a video on their Twitter. Showing that they will be launching an event called "Up Your Game" on April 27, 2020 at 9:30 PM EDT. We are very sure that DJI is going to release the new DJI Mavic Air 2 on the event.
On the same time, DJI posted a link to a website. After checked, it is a teaser page for the new product. The page shows a countdown to the event.

Information about DJI Mavic Air 2
Pricing - DJI has not announce its official number, but we estimate that its selling price will be the same as the original Mavic Air released in 2018, which is $799 . The new DJI Mavic Air 2 will be an updated version of the original Mavic Air which will be packed will a larger battery, whole lots of new sensor and many other new features.

Specification - The new Mavic Air 2 will be slightly bigger than the original Mavic Air due to its many sensor and a larger battery. This also means that it will have a longer flight time, which we estimate it to be around 30 minutes. It will be equipped with 360 degree obstacle avoidance system, this would make it safer to fly. It will be equipped with a 3-axis gimbal camera, but the sensor size is still not clear yet.
2 model - The DJI Mavic Air 2 will come in 2 model one with ADS-B receiver and one without. ADS-B receiver able to detect plane and helicopter for enhanced safely. The different between these 2 model may relate to which country they are being sold. This information was leaked from the FCC test report:

Be sure to follow our blog as we will keep update the information about DJI Mavic Air 2.
Read our latest article about DJI Mamo, a phone case drone over here.


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